1. No food, beverages (not limited to alcohol), illegal substances are allowed on board the bus.
2. No smoking is allowed on the bus.
3. Do not dispose of any litter on the bus.
4. Please follow instructions at the designated areas for the festival shuttle. Queues must be maintained in an orderly fashion and no litter should be left in the pick-up/drop off points.
5. Make sure that should one require WC facilities they do so prior to entering the queue and/or boarding the bus. WC facilities can be found at the festival site.
6. Seating places is on a first come first serve basis.
7. The Festival Shuttle runs on a scheduled service.
8. Organisers are not responsible for missed transportation. It is advisable to plan ahead of time to avoid disappointment should there be any delays in the arrival to/from the festival.
9. The organisers reserve the right to reschedule, cancel, change and/or amend part of the schedule and operation of the festival shuttle as may be necessary.
10. The organisers are not directly or indirectly liable for personal items brought on board on the bus whether lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise whilst on board the vehicle.
11. Customers are expected to avail of the festival shuttle service without causing any disturbance and/or nuisance to fellow commuters, staff, drivers and the vehicles they are travelling in. Organisers and security reserve the right to refuse service in any shape or form if the organisers and security deem it necessary as a result of disorderly conduct which would include but is not limited to: failure to abide to the general rules as explained in these terms and conditions; use of vulgar and/or aggressive language to fellow commuters and/or any member of staff; physical altercations in any shape or form; misbehaviour as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol or otherwise; damage to the vehicle; general misconduct and misbehaviour. There shall be no refund for services paid should there be a refusal on admission and/or provision of service as a result of disorderly conduct as determined by the organisers and/or security personnel.
12. The organisers assume no liability or responsibility for any injury, loss, damage to persons property, inconveniences, delay or expense arising from but not limited to weather conditions, act of God, war, accident, government (central or local) laws and regulations, act of omission, traffic or road conditions, mechanical problems and/or any other cause or condition beyond our control.
13. Your baggage allowance should be reasonable. It would be great if you could fit your stuff into 1-2 backpacks, a tent pack and a sleeping bag.