July 11 - 15, 2024


KidSpace at Yaga Gathering is a magical realm designed exclusively for the younger attendees, offering a variety of workshops and activities that spark creativity, encourage physical activity, and foster a deep connection with nature. From crafting flower crowns that glow with LED lights to embarking on adventure-filled hikes, KidSpace invites children to explore their artistic talents, indulge in physical play, and learn about the environment around them. Each day is packed with engaging workshops like bubble-making, juggling, musical exploration, and more, all structured to provide an enriching experience in a fun and safe setting. Whether it’s constructing mini teepees, molding clay, getting to know forest animals, or creating their first art gallery, children at Yaga Gathering will find a space where imagination and joy meet.

Organised by Berta Vengraitė with support of KasTuToks and Smaragdo Miestas

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