Dear guest,
we know that the last few years were a bit too much, to put it mildly. We also know that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is called “Sanatorium Immortalitas.” It’s your first step towards your new recovered self, a temporary retreat into the resort beyond time and space that will let you rest, heal, dance, and forget all worldly matters.
We offer the highest standard of confidentiality and care to our guests, so you’re free to relax as you desire, and if you’re willing, a team of the world’s best physicians, shamans, and innovators will take care of you and prescribe a matching out-of-the-box healthcare plan. Complete the steps, and you’re one step closer to immortality.
Guest registration and healthcare plan prescriptions will start soon.
Yours truly,
“Sanatorium Immortalitas” team.